Joint statement: Communities demand transparency on the Gauteng Mega Housing Project!










On Wednesday, 21st of October 2020, the Gauteng Housing Crisis Committee and the Right2Know Gauteng will march to the Gauteng Premier’s office to demand an update on the Rapid Land Release Program which was introduced in 2017 and transparency on the Mega Housing Project which was launched in 2015. 

This march is a follow up on various actions and avenues explored to get the Premier’s office to account and be transparent to the Gauteng citizens regarding the promises of 2017, he made at the mass rally in Eldorado Park Stadium.

As once noted by the Premier, Gauteng housing challenge continues to be one of areas of concern for residents and it is disappointing to learn that the government has failed to follow through with action. As communities we want to hold the Premier accountable for the promises he made.

While we note his commitment and vigor to fight against COVID-19 corruption, we want to reiterate that the rot in Gauteng runs deeper than what we are led to believe and this is an opportunity for the Premier to be transparent related to the issue of housing. State corruption and other injustices against the working class are a serious pandemic that needs to be addressed with urgency.

If the Premier fails to meet us on Wednesday, we will mobilise communities across the Gauteng Province to occupy the Gauteng Legislature. These actions will be supported by the landless and homeless people who are part of the GHCC, R2K Campaign, ILRIG and the Fight Inequality Alliance (FIA).

“Nothing For Us Without Us!”
We demand transparency!

March details:
Meeting place: Johannesburg Library Gardens
Time: 9AM
Premier’s Office: 12PM to hand over the Memorandum of Demands

For more information contact:
Benjamin Chisari, Gauteng Housing Crisis Committee Spokesperson: 066 172 8026
Rabia Haet, Gauteng Housing Crisis Committee Media Liaison: 061 410 5986
General Moyo, R2K Gauteng/FIA Member: 071 828 7554 

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