Blow the R2K Whistle

Right2Know campaigns for transparency and accountability on the basis of accurate information in both the public and private sector. We celebrate the critical role that whistleblowers play towards this end. We  are committed to ‘walk the talk’ and hold ourselves to the same democratic standards we demand of others – this includes the good conduct of R2K all staff & activists.

We are committed enabling R2K whistleblowers who play a critical role in ensuring our transparency and accountability.

We invite anyone with concerns about violations of our  Staff & Activist Code of Conduct, our Sexual Harassment Policy, our Anti-Corruption Policy – or any other aspect of our Policy & Procedures – to contact us immediately.

If you wish to report corruption or sexual harassment anonymously, please contact:

  • Our 2020/21 Anti-Corruption Officer is Ngazini Ngdigi. Please report any suspected corruption anonymously to her: or +27 73 555 6455
  • Our 2020/21 Sexual Harassment Officer is Asha Moodley. Please report any allegations of harassment anonymously to her: or 081 042 7013.