Tonight: Secrecy Bill vigil outside President’s Durban residence

Tonight (Thursday 16 May) the Right2Know Campaign will be holding a vigil outside President Zuma’s Durban residence calling on him not to sign the Secrecy Bill into law. The vigil will take place form 6pm to 8pm outside the Presidents residence on Morningside Road.

The Right2Know Campaign called on all freedom-loving South Africans and democrats across the world to petition President Zuma to stop the Secrecy Act and either return the Bill to Parliament for redrafting, or send it directly to the Constitutional Court for review.

For information about the vigil contact  Joanne Adams, R2K KZN Organiser, on 083 4981583 or email:

For media comment contact  Desmond D’Sa, R2K KZN spokesperson, on 083 982 6939.




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