Right2Know defends the Right to Strike

Today the Right2Know activists across the country will join the SAFTU-lead National Shutdown in opposing proposed Amendments to the Labour Relations Act that threaten to seriously curtail the right to strike.

The right to strike is a critical provision in our democracy, which is protected by the Constitution.  It is key to workers’ right to protest, assembly and association, and the freedom of expression. All of these rights are  vital to ensuring workers have a meaningful and powerful impact in negotiating their conditions of employment, showing solidarity with others and in opposing repressive political and economic actions, and legislation by both government and the private sector .

However, the proposed Amendments to the Labour Relations Act impose secret ballots and compel Trade Unions to engage in a long and extended conciliation process before they can take go on a protected strike. During a strike action, employers will be entitled to approach the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and the courts to enforce compulsory arbitration if it is  their opinion that the strike is lasting too long and carries a negative impact on the economy.

The Right2Know stands with workers in defending the democratic space for building strong independent Unions as well as other collective organisations of workers that are  able to undertake necessary militant campaigns required to address inequality and ensure all workers – whether permanent or casualised – can have better working conditions and earn a living wage.



For comment contact:

  • Meshengu Tshabalala, R2K Guateng, 082 683 7675
  • Lazola Kati, R2K KZN, 0729567753
  • Mhlobo Gunguluzi, R2K Western Cape, 078 742 7719

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