R2K Human Rights Day Statement: We must to continue to fight for the right to protest as a fundamental human right!

Tomorrow is Human Rights Day, an important day in the history of South Africa. This year’s commemorations are particularly significant because we are two months away from the sixth national general elections. As the nation prepares for elections, R2K calls on the South African political leadership to respect the electoral code of conduct. Human right violations are occurring everyday and we need a commitment that freedom of expression and the right to protest will be respected.

Looking back at what happened 59 years ago in Sharpeville and kwaLanga where peaceful protesters were gunned down by the apartheid police for refusing to carry a dompas or passbook, R2K urges South Africans to continue to fight for the right to protest as a fundamental human right guaranteed in our Constitution.

We have noted with concern that political party spaces are not democratic spaces. We have witnessed disturbing occurrences during the electioneering where alternative voices and the media face subtle attacks in an attempt to discredit, threaten and silence them.  Such an incident took place in the Eastern Cape where the communications minister, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams tried to censor SABC news crew who were filming an ANC provincial rally last month.

There is also a recent incident where EFF leader, Julius Malema published journalist Karima Brown’s private number on Twitter, therefore, exposing her to violent threats allegedly made by EFF members. Last week, Faith Mazibuko, Gauteng MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation was exposed for pressuring staff to bypass a tender process to deliver sporting facilities as part of electioneering.  Such occurrences cannot be tolerated. Mazibuko should be fired for abusing her position by encouraging public servants to act corruptly.  We call on all political parties and party candidates to commit to adhering to the provisions of the Electoral Code of Conduct by educating their supporters to create a climate of tolerance, free political campaigning, and open public debate as stated by the code.  

State Capture: We demand accountability and justice!

A number of prominent ministers who were implicated in acts of corruption during the State Capture Inquiry have not been brought to book. Instead, we see these same compromised names being featured in the list of candidates for the upcoming national and provincial elections. The ruling party does not seem to take the nation and the voters seriously by parading corrupt leaders as good leaders. We demand leaders with high-level ethical standards. All those implicated in wrongdoings must be investigated and charged accordingly.

As marginalised communities continue to use the right to protest in raising issues around corruption, unemployment and the lack of service delivery by the local, provincial and national government, as R2K we demand that:

  • No false information should be disseminated during electioneering
  • No abuse of state resources
  • No violence from supporters and allies

We encourage robust engagement amongst political parties and citizens as we continue to fight for a better life for all. We also urge South Africans to use the Right2Protest Hotline should they find themselves in trouble with the law for exercising their constitutional right to protest/gather and fighting for what is right. The right to protest, freedom of expression, and equality before the law are central to all our struggles. The Right2Protest Project is a coalition that wishes to change the narrative of protest action in South Africa and enhance progressive lawyering. The Hotline Number is 0800 212 111 and is operational during business hours.

Tomorrow, 21 March 2019, R2K KZN in partnership with a coalition of civil society organisations will march against the infringement of human rights by the city of Durban and the provincial government.

Meeting point: King Dinizulu Park

Time: 8AM

On Friday, 22 March, R2K in Gauteng will host a community dialogue on human rights and local government public participation in Ivory Park. Community members are invited to attend.

Time: 15h00-17h00

Venue: Timberland Park

Ongazi Makazi!

We have a Right2Protest!

Human Rights Day!


For more information contact:

Ghalib Galant, R2K Deputy National Coordinator: 084 959 1912

Busi Mtabane, R2K National Communicator: 083 329 7844

Sithembiso Khuluse, R2K KZN Organiser: 081 575 3832

Ntombi Tshabalala, R2K GP Organiser: 082 710 3138

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