Black Wednesday: discussion: Press Freedom in the Age of Protest

black-wed-wcOn Wednesday 19th October 1977, the apartheid government arrested, detained and banned activists aligned to Black Consciousness Movement and 18 organisations involved in anti-apartheid activism. Three newspaper publications were also shut down on this day, for similar reasons and some journalists were arrested. Every year we commemorate this day as a Media Freedom Day or Black Wednesday. 39 years later, we reflect on the current challenges that the media and community movements face when it comes to censorship.

To commemorate Black Wednesday, R2K Western Cape will be hosting a panel discussion to look at Press Freedom in the Age of Protest.

DATE: 19 October 2016

TIME: 10h00 – 14h00

VENUE: Lookout Hill,  Cnr Mew Way & Spine Road, Khayelitsha

Mandla Mahashe – City Vision
Xolisa Sindaphi – Radio Zibonele
Ntebaleng Morake – #FeesMustFall Movement
Vusisizwe Mpu – R2K


If you are interested to join the event please RSVP to or (021) 447 3007.

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