Category: R2K in the News
Marchers threat to boycott election March 22 2011By Jauhara Khan INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERSSeveral organisations used Human Rights Day to voice their dissatisfaction with the eThekwini municipality, accusing it of violating human rights by failing to...
The Right2Know campaign added a new voice to organised civil society when it formally constituted itself at a summit in Cape Town
last week, according to Glenda Daniels in the M&G. Non-governmental and community-based...
Right2Know is ready for the coming fight, write Sithembile Mbete and Alison Tilley SO WHAT is the state of secrecy in SA? Is it winning? You might think so, given news over the past...
eNews ran a segment updating us on the Secrecy Bill, still before parliament threatening our democracy. Hennie van Vuuren, the Western Cape convener of Right2Know, is interviewed.
Human Rights Watch has written to MP Cecil Burgess on the Protection of Information Bill. It’s an excellent letter that cuts straight to the heart of the Bill’s weaknesses. HRW is the latest of...
This report on the Right2Know Week of Action appeared in Voice of America: “More than 400 organizations and 10,000 individuals in South Africa have banded together in a campaign against a proposed law that...
Associate law professor Richard Calland used his latest column to write about Right2Know and the changing tides in South Africa’s democracy: “Something is going on. Something potentially very remarkable, and very significant, is happening...
Journalist Issa Sikiti da Silva attended our Gauteng launch: “The launch, well-attended by the members of the public from all walks of life, looks at strengthening civil society in its battle against the government,...
The Mail & Guardian Online reported back on our Cape Town launch: “Civil society organisations are willing to take the fight over the proposed Protection of Information Bill, currently before Parliament, all the way...
Check out the Business Day report on the launch of our campaign: “More than 180 civil organisations and individuals will today announce a major campaign and a week of protest against the Protection of...