Category: Right to Protest
Protection of Information Bill, a threat to whistle-blowersThe Congress of South African Trade Unions is deeply concerned that the Parliamentary Ad Hoc Committee has begun clause-by-clause voting on a revised version of the Protection...
The decision by ANC MPs on Parliament’s ad-hoc committee to vote on clauses of the Secrecy Bill on Tuesday confirms that the ruling party is willing to use its majority on the committee to steamroll a range of unresolved problems...
On 24 May 2011 the ad-hoc Parliamentary Committee dealing with the Protection of Information Bill – the Secrecy Bill – will begin meeting again, in what appears to be the final countdown for the...
The Right2Know campaign today expressed its shock at the proposed schedule for finishing work on the Secrecy Bill, and called for the Committee to scrap the Bill. A proposed schedule being circulated among committee...
Parliament has confirmed the arbitrary barring of civil society from Parliamentary attendance. A statement issued today by the Parliamentary Communications Services says that security officials took “precautionary security action” by denying entry to the...
Right2Know activists banned from ParliamentNine activists from the Right2Know campaign have been barred from entering the Parliamentary precinct today. The R2K activists had intended to join other members of the public in monitoring a...
As a way to carry forward the struggle aganist secrecy, 62 delegates representing civil society organisations, community groups and social movements from the three provinces gathered together for the Right2know Campaign’s first national summit....
The Right2Know campaign has been alerted that a motion will come before the National Assembly on Thursday that will see the Protection of Information Bill (the Secrecy Bill) being dragged back into consideration. Parliamentarians...
The crisis facing the Secrecy Bill has brought Parliament to a crossroads. Parliamentarians can either continue to waste their time and the public’s money to grapple with this disastrous Bill, or they can read...
The Right2Know Campaign (R2K) is a nation-wide coalition of people and organisations campaigning for the rights to information and free expression. It was launched in August 2010 in opposition to the Protection of Information...