
You can donate to the Right2Know Campaign in the following ways.

1. Make a secure payment by EFT or credit card, using
Donate via GivenGain here.

2. Make a donation directly to R2K’s bank account
Account holder: The Right 2 Know
Bank: Standard Bank
Account Number: 07 022 865 5
Branch Code: 020909
Swift C0de: SBZAZAJJ
Reference: Your name

3. Contact R2K’s administrator ( to make a donation of equipment or services.

Why donate?
The Right2Know campaign relies on donations to keep running. Workshops, public meetings and pamphlets informing people of their rights all have costs! We have received grants from a number of foundations and donor organisations but in everything we do, we rely on the willingness of ordinary people to help make a difference.

Donations to the Right2Know are tax-deductible. Please contact to receive a s18(a) certificate on your donation.