Celebrating the life of Comrade Godfrey Phiri


We celebrate the life of Comrade Godfrey Phiri, an elected member of R2K’s national working group, and R2K Gauteng’s elected Provincial Coordinator. Godfrey was active in many other organisations and movements, including Amnesty International, the People’s Coalition Against Xenophobia, and the anti-corruption movement.

Reading the tributes below we are struck by two things: Firstly,  in a society as divided as ours, the diversity of the people whose lives he touched is remarkable. Godfrey was a bridge, a unifier, truly non-sectarian.  Secondly, the remarkable consistency of words people use to describe Godfrey: completely committed, gentle, considerate, consistent, quiet, humble, fearless, humorous, & principled.

We appeal to supporters to help the Phiri family with their costs, in particular with bringing Godfrey back home to be buried in Zimbabwe, via the R2K bank account using “PHIRI” as a reference:
Account holder: The Right 2 Know
Bank: Standard Bank
Account Number: 07 022 865 5
Branch Code: 020909
Reference: PHIRI

In both cases these are qualities of leadership we do not value enough in the ‘big man’ culture that dominates many of our organisations, our communities, our country and world. Comrade Godfrey’s life is an inditement of the egocentric, exploitative, opportunistic, greedy, competitive and controlling notions of leadership that surround us. Godfrey’s leadership was deeply enabling and democratic. In a world where of vision and workable alternatives are in short supply, we can all do well to honour Godfrey by practicing more democratic leadership in our lives.

Tributes to Comrade Godfrey Phiri

  • Comrade Godfrey Phiri took me in, together with other great comrades when I first became an active member of Right2Know Campaign late last year. I am devastated by his passing but, I will always be forever grateful for all our fruitful chats about generally all our interests and his motivations regarding my career as a young journalist. Rest in peace Qabane, my leader! – Lebogang Mokoena

  • For all our Southern Africa friends especially, we had very sad news this morning of the sudden passing of Comrade Godfrey Phiri, the Provincial Organiser of the Right2Know Campaign and activist on xenophobia, corruption, Zimbabwe and human and civil rights issues. A lovely human being. Kind, considerate, very funny and completely committed in his own special and quiet way. He was just not interested in glory or grand-standing. We shall all miss him terribly and we reach out to his family and his children especially who he was immensely proud of. A lovely memory or two of working with him………..We were together in a small planning meeting for the Zuma Must Fall march, and a representative of faith based organisations kept looking at me quizzically after I had made a few points, and I wondered if I had somehow upset the comrade. It was only after the meeting that the Reverend in question came up to me and said he had never heard the phrase I used in the meeting to describe the Almighty, but thought on reflection it was somehow appropriate. In fact I had not been talking about any celestial being but Comrade Phiri who I affectionately referred to as Com God. We all laughed and especially Godfrey in that completely infectious way of his. What a loss. What a person! For those wanting to pay tribute please contact the Right 2 Know Campaign. Hamba Kahle Com God. – Stephen Faulkner
  • What a loss for the family and the campaign. A true and commited comrade. Condolences to Gauteng comrades Nonhlanhla Chanza
  • I am so sorry to hear this tragic news. All of us at CALS send heartfelt condolences to his family. – Bonita Meyersfeld
  • That’s truly tragic and shocking news. Condolences to the family and the Gauteng cdes. – Jane Duncan
  • Please covey my sympathies to anyone comrade Godfrey Phiri ‘s family. What an amazing and wonderful human being .A person who as not afraid engage with. HAMBA KAHLE  COMRADE GODFREY!  – Desmond D’Sa
  • We dare not waver. We dare not falter. Comrade Godfrey has left us, but his work is unfinished. We carry his spirit forward, with his humility, his courage, and his enduring hope that a more just world can be. – Right2Know Campaign
  • Nothing more heartbreaking than finding out that my good comrade and friend of 10 years, Godfrey Phiri has passed away. He was a mentor to me as an activist. I still remember the first time I met him when I started my career as a human rights activist. May his soul rest in eternal peace. – Amir Bagheri
  • Comrade Godfrey gave of himself to every comrade he met. He tought us strength and humility in the face of continued struggle. He was honest and loyal, and every night he would walk us where we needed to go, irrespective of whether it was in his direction. He taught me many secrets of this crazy city, a city that he made his home. He also taught me how to steal pens from events.Our office will echo with your infectious and bright laughter. – Carina Conradiegodfrey 2
  • hamba kahle comrade qhawe lama qhawe – Nthombi Tshabalala
  • My deepest condolences to Godfrey’s family and our GP comrades.  He was such a gentle spirit.  He will be sorely missed by all of us. – Janine JulisenIt is with sadness that we receive this news. SERI sends condolences to Godfrey’s family and to R2K for your loss. – Naadira Munshi
  • May his soul rest in peace GP And the campaign as Large and the family God will be with us through this sadness moment of our loss ! – Cleopatra Shezi
  • Sending love to his comrades and family. A life of service to be celebrated. – Mark Weinberg
  • This news is just terrible. Comrade Godfrey will be missed. He was a principled, committed and gentle activist. – Ferrial Adam
  • So terribly sad to hear about the passing of comrade Godfrey Phiri, a fiercely committed activist and a singularly generous, kind and decent human being. Hamba kahle, my friend and comrade. – John Treat
  • This is really devastating news. My condolences to Godfrey’s family. Strength to Gauteng comrades. – Asha Moodley
  • Abahlalibasemjondolo would like to pay their condolences to Right@Know Campaign, Family,and friends of Godfrey Phiri who passed away. Abahlali Youth League were very inspired by his motivation on Toture Workshop conducted by Amnersty International. They invited him for Youth day in 16June2016 but he was busy . On behalf of Abahlali we would like to tell Right2Know Campaign we both lost aHero, Brother, Leader . – Abahlalibasemjondolo
  • May the soul of Cde Godfrey Phiri (GP), the Zipra trained cadre rest in peace. I will always be grateful to associate with you over the years, serving on different platforms in the civil society organizations on behalf of migrants, the local vulnerable communities for the sake of justice and democracy in Africa! – Brian Muziringagodfrey 3
  • With a heavy heart but also with respect and in praise of comrade Godfrey’s love of life, activist commitment and humanity. – Dale McKinley
  • Very, very sorry to hear this, this is truly a great loss. Much sympathy and strength to Godfrey’s family and all the Gauteng comrades – Vanessa Burger
  • This is absolutely devastating news that comes as a real shock. We’ve lost a dear friend. – Micah Reddy.
  • Its unbelievable its really a great loss to R2K Campaign at large Godfrey was such a good comrade. Condolences to his family and Gauteng comrade – Khaya Xintolo
  • Sad and devastating news. Condolences to his family. Hamba kahle comrade Godfrey. -Jayshree Pather
  • Comrade Godfrey will be sorely missed by us all in R2K.  His spirit of activism will live on.  Condolences to his family and may they have the strength to bear their loss. – Joanne Adams
  • Such a quiet, humble, determined man who worked incredibly hard, but did so quietly and not for glory or to see his name in a report or a tweet. The last time I saw him was in the office last week already scurrying around in response to the PG fallout. A true activist. – Anso Thom
  • I did not have the privilege of knowing comrade Godfrey personally, but the loss of any freedom of expression and access to information activists in SA is a loss to broad society and the public interest. Condolences to his family. – Jeanette Minniegodfrey 4
  • This is shocking news! Such an active, committed comrade. This is not just a loss for the family, but a loss for social movments and development as a whole – Vainola Makan
  • Hamba kahle, Godfrey. A good, kind, quiet but dedicated activist who was one of the many Gauteng civil society participants in the Peope’s Coalition Against Xenophobia. – Maurice Smithers
  • Incredibly sad news, a valuable comrade – condolences to the family. – Karabo Rajuili
  • It is very sad to hear that comrade Godfrey”Malume” Phiri has departed, On behalf of Kzn we are shocked by the news and we would like send our deepest condolences to the bereaved family, friends and the entire R2k family. Malume will be solely missed, we lost a compatriot and a true cadre who was not afraid to hold the Bull by its horns. Hamba kahle ulale ngoxolo usikhonzele ko Joshua Nkomo!! – Thabane Miya
  • I’m  deeply saddened by the passing of a great a friend Godfrey Phiri, a man who always pushed me to find new ways to contribute to social justice. Whether it was feeding the homeless, addressing issues of gender based violence, issues related to freedom of expression or refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, Godfrey always gave of himself. #RIPGreatFriend! – Gushwell Brooks
  • We have lost a principled, committed and dedicated comrade. – Ayesha Kajee
  • A comrade who in his gentle way showed real commitment to collective action. Condolences to those that he loved and loved him. – Hennie van Vuuren
  • I learnt of the passing of Comrade Godfrey Phiri with great shock this morning. He was principled, loving and unafraid to speak truth to power, even when the stakes were extremely high. We as the youth need to learn from him and like minded individuals. My heartfelt condolences to his family and Right2Know Campaign comrades. Ulale ngokuthula Phiri. –  Ngqabutho Mpofugodfrey 5
  • Condolences to comrade Godfrey’s family, friends, and  comrades He indeed showed commitment and gave his all……Akuhlanga lu ngehlanga – Nomacebo Mbayo
  • In the short time I have known Godfrey Phiri he has inspired me in so many ways, and if anything to care and do more for others as an activist! What an inspiring gentle and strong man. South Africa has truly lost a great man, and beautiful soul. Blessings to his family, friends and comrades #RIP – Anique van der Vlugt
  • We must all make a firm commitment to take forward Godfrey’s vision. A foot soldier for other people’s dignity and human rights of the highest order. A lovely, gentle, humble man to boot. We are going too miss you Godfrey. I do already. – Mark Heywood
  • A humble leader and comrade who’ve listened to everyone, you’ll be dearly missed my leader rest in peace #R2K – Sibongile Tshabalala
  • I just even do not know how and when to start now I feel the other part of me is gone because when ever they speak about BAD MEN out there I use to think of opposite as that GOOD MAN that thought me a lot at stop torture workshop. May his body rest in peace but his SPIRIT will never die because I learnt a lot form him…the little time that I spent with him to me it was so crucial……….com that shows LIFE is too short…….I wish I can come to his funeral please…. – Noncedo Bulana
  • We extend our deepest condolences to our colleagues at the Right2Know Campaign on the sudden passing of Godfrey Phiri, a man with whom we worked often, and for whom we had the utmost respect. He was softly-spoken, but inside he was steel. We mourn his death, a devastating loss to activism. May he rest in peace. – Corruption Watchgodfrey & R2K crew
  • Condolences to his family and to all comrades at large who worked with Godfrey, May his soul rest in peace Amandla. – Toto Nzamo
  • I’m saddened to learn about #R2K cde Godfrey Phiri’s demise. He was an outstanding campaigner for our right to know and freedoms. Wherever he is in the nooks and crannies of the universe, we thank you for your unflinching dedication in building alternative power from below, and serving our social movements with great distinction. Rest in peace Brother & Comrade – Castro Ngobese
  • Deepest condolences to Godfreys family, he will forever be missed. A true soldier, cadre and friend to us all R2Kers. May his soul find eternal peace. His memory lives on……. I hope you dance comrade. AMANDLA!!!!! – Nomvula Sikakane
  • We have lost a dedicated comrade and a leader who supported people to carry forward their vision of more just society. We will miss him. – Alison Tilly
  • Deeply saddened by the loss to his family and R2K family, well wishes and strength in these dark days. Zorora murugare mukoma. – Tinashe Njanji
    Dear cde GP, the world of activism is poorer without you. Yet the heavens is richer with you. Till we meet again RIP. – Sipho Moyo
    May his sole rest in peace and his struggle against social, political, economical and environmental injustice continue.- Mhlobo Gunguluzo
    Godfrey Phiri was a staunch supporter of CoRMSA and the People’s Coalition Against Xenophobia, participating and mobilising for all our events and actions. He will be sorely missed by so many but will continue to inspire all of us to promote and protect the rights of refugees and migrants and to challenge xenophobia. Hamba kahle comrade! Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in South Africa (CoRMSA).
    A True Patriot Fighter For Freedom! May your soul rest in peace my brother! UYIBEKILE INDUKU EBANDLA!!! – Vusi Tshabalala


Godfrey Maximilian Phiri, humane fighter for social justice in Zimbabwe and SA

Human rights defender Godfrey Phiri, who has died of kidney failure at the age of 54, was a true pan-Africanist and an unacknowledged hero of Zimbabwe’s liberation struggle.

He touched many lives during his 13 years in Johannesburg, where he  volunteered as an activist, mobiliser and educator in various rights and social justice formations.

A tall, gentle, humane man, remembered for his humility, uncompromising principles  and fierce commitment to justice, Phiri  was instrumental in building coalitions against corruption, xenophobia and secrecy, working tirelessly for the Right2Know campaign, Corruption Watch and the People’s Coalition against Xenophobia, among others. At Phiri’s memorial, someone remarked that if his various volunteer positions had been salaried, he would have been a rich man.

The depth and breadth of his work, encapsulated in many tributes from across race, class and creed lines, abundantly attest to Phiri’s wealth of knowledge, nonsectarianism and empathy.

Born in Bulawayo  in what was then Rhodesia, Phiri grew up in Njube township. The third son among eight siblings, the young Phiri’s sympathy towards the “insurgents” fighting the Ian Smith regime inevitably caused tension in a household where his eldest brother served in Smith’s Rhodesian army.

During the mid-’70s, Phiri left school to take over his retired father’s job at Typocrafters, a Bulawayo printing company, but the lure of freedom soon saw him joining the underground liberation forces, and he left for Zambia in 1976, at the  age of 14. Following his induction into the Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army, the armed wing of Joshua Nkomo’s Zimbabwe African People’s Union, Phiri participated in the Rhodesian Bush War.

After Zimbabwe’s liberation in 1980, he joined the army, notably serving in Mozambique against Renamo during the ’80s.

Although Zimbabwe’s government paid lip service to the ideal of an apolitical defence force, Phiri was disillusioned by the ongoing politicisation of the army, ultimately resigning and becoming a civilian activist.

Even then, Phiri stood out as a unifier who opposed tribalism and xenophobia. Colleagues recall  he would declare he was not Zimbabwean, but African, with antecedents in both Malawi and Zimbabwe.

In 1999, having worked extensively with trade union and civil society groups, including the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace, Phiri became a founding member of the Movement for Democratic Change in Zimbabwe. Working within the MDC’s security department in Bulawayo, he inevitably became a target of the Mugabe regime’s crackdown on the MDC, and was severely tortured on various occasions.

Phiri left Zimbabwe for South Africa in 2003, where he was eventually granted refugee status.

Phiri hit the ground running in South Africa, which was experiencing an influx of Zimbabwean refugees. An invaluable resource for migrants needing advice and direction, Phiri worked with a wide spectrum of organisations, including the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, Zimbabwe Torture Victims Project, Tree of Life, Peace Action Group, African Diaspora Forum and Global Zimbabwe Forum.

Baptised  a Catholic, Phiri remained devout, and brought his passion for social justice to  Holy Trinity Church in Braamfontein, where he was active in both the LGBT and the HIV/Aids ministries, and a  regular volunteer at the church’s weekly soup kitchen.

In recent years Phiri was  at the forefront of activism and mobilisation for social justice groups such as Section 27, Amnesty International South Africa and Unite against Corruption. Working from the grassroots, he was everywhere, and he knew well-nigh everyone and everything.

As an elected member of Right2Know’s national working group and its elected co-ordinator for Gauteng, Phiri’s self-effacing persona embodied democracy at its finest.

He never put himself forward, but when chosen to lead did so with wisdom and integrity. His collaborative approach sought out and nurtured the best in his colleagues, and with characteristic humour he could defuse potentially tense situations as well as deliver a telling rebuke to a recalcitrant team member.

He possessed an innate dignity, which was unimpaired by his habit of frequently positioning his spectacles askew, so that he appeared to be peering out from four eyes instead of two.

Phiri’s death, at a critical time for both his native land, Zimbabwe, and his adopted one, South Africa, underlines the imperative for his unfinished work to be taken forward, to fulfil his conviction that a better world is, indeed, possible. As Elinor Sisulu noted, it is a sad indictment that Phiri was not accorded a burial at Zimbabwe’s Heroes Acre. If we had more leaders like him as heads of state, our continent would be a better place.

Phiri was buried in Zimbabwe. He is survived by four siblings, his daughter, Charmaine, and grandson, Sphamandla