R2K Leadership School 2014: Communicating the Right to Know

The 2014 R2K Leadership School will be smaller and more focused that last years School. This will allow us to give more individual attention to participants and enable a more participatory and experiential approach to learning. The school will take place over 2 months and will comprise two 4 day training modules with a month long ‘practice session’ in between the modules where participants will return home to practice and integrate their learnings.

Objectives of the School

The Objective of the 2014 Leadership School is to ensure each R2K Province has a functioning communication team that can promote the work of the Campaign through the mass and social media.  To this end the School will ensure:

  • Participants gain understanding of strategic legs and can articulate these to the media and other stakeholders
  • Participants can monitor R2K issues in the media and identify opportunities to respond
  • Participants can write accurate and engaging press statements and invitations
  • Participants can engage the mass media and ensure coverage of R2K prospectives
  • Participants can use social media to share R2K perspectives and engage stakeholders

Participant Selection

R2K Provinces each selected four comrades to form the core of a Provincial Communication Team. These comrades met the following criteria:

  • Have a track record of commitment to building the R2K in their Province
  • Be committed to be part of the standing R2K Provincial Communication Team for the foreseeable future
  • Have a phone that can access the internet
  • Have an active facebook and/or twitter profile
  • Check their email daily


The training models will take place in Cape Town and participants should be available for the following dates:

Module   1 (Cape Town) 30 Sept – 4 Oct
Practise Session (in your Province) 5 Oct  – 4 Nov
Module 2 (Cape Town) 4 – 8 Nov









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