Police ‘will crack down on brutality’

This article below was published by The Citizen:

National 17.3.2015 08.30 am 

By Alex Mitchley

FILE PICTURE: National police commissioner Riah Phiyega. Picture: Christine Vermooten

FILE PICTURE: National police commissioner Riah Phiyega. Picture: Christine Vermooten

The South African Police Services (SAPS) has reiterated it will not tolerate any form of criminal behaviour from its members, following the Right2Know (R2K) organisation’s plans to hold a protest rally on Human Rights Day against police brutality.

Police spokesperson Solomon Makgale said they had taken note of R2K’s intention to rally against police brutality. SAPS management had always acknowledged instances where police had acted outside the boundaries of the law, and acted decisively against such members.

“The matter of the death of Mido Marcia, for example, is testimony to this when SAPS dismissed the eight police officers involved,” said Makgale. “We have said in the past – and we continue to say to our members – any form of criminal behaviour, whether it is corruption or brutal acts to others, will not be tolerated.”

Makgale added National Police Commissioner Riah Phiyega had embarked on an intensive programme to professionalise the police. He said SAPS welcomed and respected the democratic rights of individuals to demonstrate, but this right had limitations and police could not stand by and allow demonstrators to harm people and destroy property.

“To this end, the laws that govern such criminal actions shall be enforced. Such enforcement should not be misconstrued as the police being brutal,” said Makgale. R2K announced they would be gathering at the Johannesburg Central Police Station on Saturday to lay headstones in front of the police stations to commemorate those who have been killed by the police, including those murdered at Marikana in August 2012.

R2K Gauteng coordinator and spokesperson Dale McKinley said: “At least 44 other people have been killed by the police during protests since 2004.” According to R2K, the demonstration is a result of sorrow and outrage at the “increasing incidences of protesters being harassed and killed by the police”.

SAPS has welcomed the R2K’s protest, provided the rally is lawful and approved by the right channels.


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