Right2Know calls for withdrawal of ICASA Amendment Bill
The ICASA Amendment Bill tabled by the Minister of Communications in 2012 represents a threat to the independence for the telecommunications and broadcasting regulator. ICASA needs to systematically drive down telecommunication costs and create a broadcasting landscape conducive to the thriving of a host of diverse players including in particular public and community players.
We acknowledge ICASA’s limited capacity to regulate these functions that are critical to the free flow of information. However, the remedies proposed by this Bill will further weaken independent regulation and not address the primary challenge wich remains the systematic underfunding of the regulator.
Rather, Right2Know believes the questions of capacitating the independent regulator should form part of the Ministerial Policy Review the same Minister has committed herself to.
Submission by the Right2Know Campaign, Proposed ICASA Amendment Bill, 2012: R2K Submission ICASA Amendment Bill