
Code of Conduct for Councillors Regulations – draft – comment

Popular EducatioCode of Conduct for Councillors Re

Popular Education



Media Freedom, Diversity, & Right to Communicate

Blow the Whistle

General Documents


Popular Education:







Media Freedom, Diversity, & Right to Communicate:

POP ED:  R2K Activist Guide: Right2CommunicateENGLISHAFRIKAANS 2013
REPORT: R2K Strategy Meeting on the Right to call, SMS, DATA 2012
POLICY: R2K Memorandum on the Cost to Communication 2012
DOCUMENT: The State and Fate of Community Media: Prospects for enhancing media diversity 2012
POLICY: R2K Press Freedom Day Statement 2012
POLICY: R2K Media Freedom, Diversity and the Right2Know 2011
REPORT: R2K Strategy Seminar on the Media Diversity and Community Media 2011
 DOCUMENT:  Prospects for Enhancing Media Diversity : The State and Fate of Community Media in South Africa 2011
 DOCUMENT:  Ensuring Innovative, Citizen-orientated Public Broadcasting in South Africa 2011
DOCUMENT:  Media Appeals Tribunal (MAT) and the Public Broadcaster (SABC) 2011
DOCUMENT:  Guarding the guardians: A Media Appeals Tribunal  2011
REPORT: SOS Community Broadcasting Workshop 2011

Blow the Whistle: 



General documents:

POP ED: Activist Induction: We Have the Right2Know 2015
POLICY: R2K Constitution (Adopted Feb 2013, Amended March 2014) 2014
REPORT: R2K Annual Reports 2012 –
POLICY: R2K Summit Reports 2011 –
DOCUMENT:    R2K Audited Financial Statements 2012 –
POLICY: R2K Policy & Procedures Manual 2016
POLICY: R2K Activist Code of Conduct 2014
POLICY: R2K Policy Statement on Institutional Structure, Capacities, and Coordination 2013
DOCUMENT: History of the R2K  2013
POP ED:   R2K Poster & Flyer: Secrecy is for Skelms  2012
POLICY: R2K_Vision, Mission, Principles 2011