R2K invites you to the 2014 Secret State of the Nation Report launch

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What do we know about the state of secrecy in South Africa? How are national-security practices closing down democratic spaces? What does secrecy look like for grassroots struggles?

Right2Know invites you to the launch of our 2014 Secret State of the Nation Report, in which we explore trends, patterns and problems in secrecy.

When: 1pm – 2pm, Tuesday 9 Sept 2014

Venue: R2K national office, 107 Community House, Salt River Rd, Cape Town.

RSVP: Busi Mtabane, busi@r2k.org.za or (021) 447 1000

There will be inputs from Murray Hunter (lead researcher), Siviwe Mdoda (R2K national organiser), and Manenberg activist Roegshanda Pascoe. Martin Jansen (Workers World Media Project) will be a respondent to the report.

Physical copies of the report will be available at the event, and a digital version will be released later that day.

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